Artikelen (verzamellijstje - later nog verdelen over de site.):. 25 Responsive Bootstrap Angular JS Admin Dashboard Templates:. Over de behoefte aan toegankelijkheid.Ieder(in) is de koepelorganisatie van mensen met een lichamelijke handicap, verstandelijke beperking of chronische ziekte. Tweehonderdvijftig organisaties zijn bij ons aangesloten.
Ieder(in) is daarmee het grootste netwerk in Nederland van mensen met een beperking. We behartigen de belangen van meer dan twee miljoen mensen.
Website:. Online voting tool / e-voting / online 'stemkastjes':.
Online onderzoeksbureausvoor inspiratie wat betrefttestvormen en -services:. Voetje maken voor een mobiele camera:. Online testen:. Eye tracking:.
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Conversational interface:. Over dashboards: ( 1 Laat relevante informatie naar voren komen; 2 Ondersteun het maken van keuzes; 3 Faciliteer acties).
Accessibility:. Grappig - ASCII-art:. Fort Awesome Fonts:.
Zes principes voor een klantgedreven procesontwerp:. Project Comet: A whole new experience in user experience design. Design and prototype websites and mobile apps faster than ever with Project Comet, the first all-in-one solution for UX designers. Coming in early 2016 from Adobe.: Award-winning, pay what you want tax software. See why Canadians are switching to SimpleTax. (O&I Management consultants; 05 January 2016, Eline Roelfsema). (Nick Kellingley, IDF Community Manager).
(Mads Soegaard, IDF Co-Founder). C (Mads Soegaard, IDF Co-Founder). (; Gerry McGovern // New Thinking).
(Mark Schoondorp, Winkwaves). (courses). Over testen en ontwerpen voor de overheid '.
(Frankwatching). (Interaction Design Foundation). Persona's etc. How to deal with users while doing user testing or doing user research. Whether we like it or not, we all use stereotypes. Even as user experience practitioners, we can’t prevent ourselves from putting labels on the people we meet or creating a mental model of the user we have in front of us. Just like characters from Mr.
Men and Little Miss , we encounter all sorts of people. While these preconceptions shouldn’t blind us, it does help to have a set of tricks and tips to deal with these different characters. With the articles from the “Problem users in user testing” series, you will learn about some of the most characteristic types. More importantly, we will give you pointers on how to make the best of your encounters with these problem user types. 1. Shy people: Help them feel comfortable and make sure you have clearly communicated the essentials of user testing: 1) that we are testing the product and not them; 2) that his/her opinion is important to you.
2. People Who Won’t Shut Up: As opposed to shy people, you probably do not need to prompt these people to think aloud. Just make sure that they stay on track and make an extra effort to stay focused on your objectives. 3.
But I digress: Above all, be patient and listen carefully. Even in digressions you can find a relevant insight. 4. The Scatterbrain: The difficulty with this user type is to obtain the full picture of the problems they encounter. Be patient and delve into the points that are relevant to your research as much as possible.
5. Angry: Don’t let their attitude prevent you from running your test or research. Empathize but get across their angriness and stay focused on your goals.
6. The “Yes” Person: This might be the trickier profile! How to get pass that “yes”? Just keep reminding them that you’re looking for argumented criticism!. These are just 6 possible types of problem users.
As a user experience practitioner, you must already have developed your own mental models and labels. Are they similar to the ones we have portrayed here? Before we end, this last article in the series gives you some guidelines to get better at conducting interviews. After all, that’s the part we control and can work on!. Do you want to learn more about usability and usability testing?
Check out these courses:. The Practical Guide to Usability:. Conducting Usability Testing:. Web Design for Usability:.
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Steven Hoober about his training courses: 'I've now created a series of video lectures myself, so I can get my info out there cheaply, to everyone. Check out the resources I offer with this, and sign up at:. Many lectures have associated homework, so you can get effective, hands-on learning. Personalized, too! Feel free to ask me questions, and about monthly I'll have a conference call where you can ask questions and chat with the rest of your students. I will add more lessons over time. For the holidays, I’ve discounted this to $13.
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